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solitaire criss cross 2.jpg



Drakon is a Rhino and Grasshopper Plug-in with focus on Jewelry Creation. 
Designed by fully parametric components which combined allow unlimited possibilities for interactive jewelry pieces. 
This user guide provides an extended documentation for each component options. 
Once the Plug-in is loaded into Grasshopper a new tab will appear. Drakon tab is divided into different category menus and each one contains several components. After left click on the tool it will be loaded into the Gh canvas and from here we will be able to start customizing each one to create unique combinations and generating unlimited possibilities. 
Each builder follows a very simple process, from one side it needs input values to be able to output results. 
These components allow us to input values on the left side which are used to generate the output results. The workflow consists in combining the different components between themselfs, generating fully parametric jewelry parts. The pieces can be builded in such a way that being always connected allow every detail to be changed on the fly and easily adapt the entire model, keeping design measurements and proportions.


Gem final.jpg
Gem Creator

Defines a Gem by Cut and Size


  1. Gem Cut - Defines the Cut for the Gem, values from 0 to 19. The Gem Cut Selector will provide an input list of Cuts

  2. Gem Length - Defines the gem size length

  3. Gem Width- Defines the gem size width

  4. Gem Height- Defines the gem total height

  5. Self Rotation - Angle in degrees to Rotate the gem over itself

  6. Gem Placement - Allow to place the gem by it's Girdle, Table or Pavillion, values from 0 to 2

  7. Position - Input Plane for the gem Position orientation


  1. Gem - Closed Mesh

Cabochon Creator

Defines a Cabochon Gem Cut by Size and Shape


  1. Cabochon Cut - Defines the Cabochon Shape, values from 0 to 8. The Cabochon Cut Selector will provide an input list of Shapes

  2. Custom Curve - Optional curve for the cabochon shape, please note the Cabochon cut must be defined as 8 for this to work

  3. Cabochon Length - Defines the Cabochon size length

  4. Cabochon Width- Defines the Cabochon size width

  5. Cabochon Height - Defines the Cabochon Height

  6. Cabochon Depth - Defines the depth of the cabochon pavillion

  7. Tapper Distance - Defines the Distance to tapper for the pavillion

  8. Self Rotation - Angle in degrees to Rotate the cabochon over itself

  9. Position - Input Plane for the Cabochon Position orientation


  1. Cabochon Gem - Closed Polysurface

Mixed Gem Cuts

Creates a Gem by Cut and Size, such as Briollette, Drop, Pearl


  1. Gem Cut - Defines the Cut for the Gem, values from 0 to 4. The Mixed Cut Selector will provide an input list of Cuts

  2. Diameter - Defines the gem size diameter

  3. Height - Defines the gem size height.

  4. Position - Input Plane for the gem Position orientation


  1. Gem - Closed Mesh or Closed Polysurface depending on the selected cut

gem on ring.webp
Gem on Ring

Creates a Gem on a Ring Rail defined by Cut and Size


  1. Gem Cut - Defines the Cut for the Gem, values from 0 to 19. The Gem Cut or Cabochon Cut Selector will provide an input list of Cuts

  2. Gem Length - Defines the gem size length

  3. Gem Width- Defines the gem size width

  4. Gem Height - Defines the gem total height

  5. Girdle Distance - Defines the distance from the Gem Girdle to the Ring Rail curve
  6. Self Rotation - Defines the rotation angle in degrees to rotate the gem over it self

  7. Move Around - Defines the position of the gem along the ring rail curve 

  8. Move Horizontal - Defines the horizontal distance to move

  9. Ring Size - Defines the ring. Can be used by any Ring Sizer to input the measurements

  10. Gem / Cabochon - Defines a Gem or a Cabochon cut


  1. Gem - Closed Mesh or Closed Polysurface depending on the cut selected

  2. Ring Rail - Circle with the ring size 

gem on object final.webp
Gem on Object

Places a Gem oriented on a given object


  1. Object - Input object to place the gem on

  2. Gem - Given Gem for placement

  3. U Coordinate - Defines the position in U direction

  4. V Coordinate - Defines the position in V direction

  5. Surface Index - Defines the surface to be used from the input object

  6. Point - Given point for gem orientation in case the given object is a mesh


  1. Gem on Object - Resulting Gem oriented on object

Gem Creator
Cabochon Creator
Mixed Cuts
Gem On Ring
Gem On Object


Ring Band

Creates a simple band defined by several controls


  1. Ring Size - Defines the ring diameter milimiters. Can be used by any Ring Sizer to define the measurements

  2. Profile Width - Ring profile width

  3. Profile Thickness - Ring Profile height

  4. Profile - Given Profile Curve, can be used with the Profile Curves component to add a list of profiles

  5. Isocurve Position - Defines the Isocurve output position along the ring, values to input from 0 to 1


  1. Band - Closed Polysurface 

  2. Isocurve - Curve along the ring Surface

shank final.webp

Loads a Shank with the open top defined by various controls


  1. Ring Size - Defines the ring. Can be used by any Ring Sizer to input the measurements

  2. Open Distance - Defines the distance on the opening part on the top of the shank

  3. Top Width - Ring profile width on the top section

  4. Top Thickness - Ring Profile height on the top section

  5. Profile - Given Profile Curve, can be used with the Profile Curves component to add a list of profiles

  6. Bottom Width - Ring profile width on the bottom section

  7. Bottom Thickness - Ring profile height on the bottom section

  8. Smooth Cap - This parameter defines the height for the rounded caps on the shank

  9. Isocurve Position - Defines the Isocurve output position along the ring, values to input from 0 to 1


  1. Shank - Closed Polysurface 

  2. Isocurve - Curve along the ring Surface

bombe final.webp
Bombe Ring

Creates a Bombé ring defined by input controls


  1. Ring Size - Defines the ring size diameter. Can be used by any Ring Sizer to input the measurements

  2. Top Width - Ring profile width on the top section

  3. Top Height - Ring Profile height on the top section

  4. Top Profile - Given Profile Curve, can be used with the Profile Curves component to add a list of profiles

  5. Bottom Width - Ring profile width on the bottom section

  6. Bottom Height - Ring profile height on the bottom section

  7. Bottom Profile - Given Profile Curve, can be used with the Profile Curves component to add a list of profiles

  8. Bend Top - This parameter allow to define the horizontal distance for the top section of the ring, positive or negative values

  9. Side Adjustment - Angle to define the side profiles position on the ring, shoud be between 120 to 359

  10. Isocurve Position - Defines the Isocurve output position along the ring, values to input from 0 to 1


  1. Bombe Ring - Closed Polysurface 

  2. Isocurve - Curve along the ring Surface

criss-cross final.webp

Creates a Criss-Cross Ring with the option to Overlap


  1. Ring Size - Defines the ring diameter. Can be used by any Ring Sizer to input the measurements

  2. Top Width - Defines the Ring profile width on the top section

  3. Top Height - Defines the Ring Profile height on the top section

  4. Side Open Distance - Defines the opening distance between shanks on the side section 

  5. Bottom Width - Defines the Ring profile width on the bottom section

  6. Bottom Height - Defines the Ring profile height on the bottom section

  7. Profile - Given Profile Curve, can be used with the Profile Curves component to add a list of profiles

  8. Overlap - Enables the Overlapping Criss-Cross

  9. Overlap Top Width - Defines the Ring profile width on the top section when Overlapping

  10. Overlap Top Height - Defines the Ring Profile height on the top section when Overlapping

  11. Overlap Bottom Width - Defines the Ring profile width on the bottom section when Overlapping

  12. Overlap Bottom Height - Defines the Ring profile height on the bottom section when Overlapping

  13. Overlap Profile - Given Profile Curve, can be used with the Profile Curves component to add a list of profiles

  14. Isocurve Position - Defines the Isocurve output position along the ring, values to input from 0 to 1


  1. Criss-Cross - Closed Polysurface or grouped in case Overlap is enabled

  2. Isocurve - Curve along the ring Surface

round bypass final.webp
Round Bypass

Generates a Bypass Shank around a gem or other object 


  1. Ring Size - Defines the ring diameter. Can be used by any Ring Sizer to input the measurements

  2. Top Width - Ring profile width on the top section

  3. Top Thickness - Ring Profile height on the top section

  4. End Position - Defines the end position for the round bypass shank, values from 0 to 0,5

  5. Rounded Lenght - Defines the length of the rounded top part

  6. Rounded Width - Defines the width of the rounded top part

  7. Bottom Width - Ring profile width on the bottom section

  8. Bottom Thickness - Ring profile height on the bottom section

  9. Profile - Given Profile Curve, can be used with the Profile Curves component to add a list of profiles

  10. Smooth Cap - This parameter defines the thickness for the rounded caps on the shank

  11. Isocurve Position - Defines the Isocurve output position along the ring, values to input from 0 to 1


  1. Bypass Round - Closed Polysurface 

  2. Isocurve - Curve along the ring Surface

split shank final.webp
Split Shank

Loads a Split Shank defined by several controls


  1. Ring Size - Defines the ring diameter milimiters. Can be used by any Ring Sizer to input the measurements

  2. Split DIstance - Defines the distance between both shanks if the ring on the top section

  3. Open DIstance - Defines the opening distance on the ring's top section

  4. Top Width - Ring profile width on the top section

  5. Top Height- Ring Profile height on the top section

  6. Bottom Width - Ring profile width on the bottom section

  7. Bottom Thickness - Ring profile height on the bottom section

  8. Profile - Given Profile Curve, can be used with the Profile Curves component to add a list of profiles

  9. Smooth Cap - This parameter defines the thickness for the rounded caps on the shank

  10. Split Angle - Side angle for splitting reference


  1. Split Shank - Closed Polysurface

Eternity Band

Creates an Eternity Band defined by gem size and cut


  1. Ring Size - Defines the ring diameter. Can be used by any Ring Size Chart to input the measurements

  2. Gem Length - Defines the gem size length

  3. Gem Width - Defines the gem size width

  4. Gem Height - Defines the gem size height

  5. Gem Cut - Defines the gem cut to use, values from 0 to 19

  6. Ring Profile - Given Profile Curve for the Ring shape

  7. Wall Thickness - Defines the wall thickness outside the gems

  8. Profile Height- Defines the total height of the band.

  9. Tilt Gems - Rotate the gems position 90º degrees

  10. Prong Diameter - Defines the prong or any other setting thickness

  11. Prong Cap Height - Defines the top prong Height

  12. Prong Profile - Given Profile Curve for the Prong Shape

  13. Setting Type - Defines the setting type for the band, values from 0 to 2. Prong Set, Bar Set or Channel Set

  14. Space Between Gems - Defines the distance from gem to gem

  15. Gems Up / Down - Defines the gem vertical position

  16. Gems Fill Angle - Defines the angle in degrees to fill with gems, values from 120 to 360


  1. Band - Resulting Eternity Band Polysurface 

  2. Gems - Resulting Gems as Closed Meshes

  3. Gem Settings - Resulting Gem Settings as Polysurfaces

  4. Number of Gems - Numeric Value

Signet Ring

Loads a Signet Ring defined by controls


  1. Ring Size - Defines the ring diameter. Can be used by any Ring Size Chart to input the measurements

  2. Table Width- Defines the top table size width

  3. Table Length - Defines the top table size length

  4. Table Profile Selector - List with curves to select

  5. Table Custom Profile - Optional Given Curve for the Table Profile Shape

  6. Table Height - Defines the Ring top height

  7. Table Rotation - Defines the Top shape Rotation Angle 

  8. Frontal Distance - Defines the under table frontal shape when adjusting the shank

  9. Lateral Distance - Defines the under table lateral shape when adjusting the shank

  10. Move Horizontal - Moves the ring table horizontally

  11. Smooth Table - Enables the Smooth Table

  12. Smooth Table Height - Defines the smooth table Top Distance

  13. Side Width - Ring profile width on the side section

  14. Side Thickness - Ring profile thickness on the side section

  15. Bottom Profile - Given Bottom Profile Curve

  16. Bottom Width - Ring profile width on the bottom section. 

  17. Bottom Thickness - Ring profile height on the bottom section.


  1. Signet Ring - Resulting Signet Ring Polysurface 

hollow ring final.webp
Hollow Ring

Cuts the inner part of a given ring and creates the under gallery


  1. Ring - Given Ring to hollow, please note this must be on the center and be a closed shank.

  2. Wall Thickness - Defines the wall thickness of the ring after hollowed

  3. Angle to Hollow - Defines the angle in degrees from the ring interior to be hollowed

  4. Ring Gallery - Enables the Under Gallery

  5. Gallery Thickness - Defines the Under Gallery ring Thickness

  6. Gallery Cuts - Enable the cuts on the under gallery

  7. Cuts Width - Defines the width of the cutter shape

  8. Cuts Length - Defines the length of the cutter shape

  9. Horizontal Spacing - Defines the distance between cuts horizontally

  10. Vertical Spacing - Defines the distance between cuts vertically

  11. Cuts Profile - Selector for the profile shape, from 0 to 8

  12. Custom Cuts Profile - Given custom curve for the cutters shape, Cuts Profile selector must be set to 8


  1. Hollow Ring - Closed Polysurface, main part of the given ring after cut

  2. Ring Gallery - Closed Polysurface

  3. Outside Surface - Open Surface, after rebuilded original

  4. Inside Surface - Open Surface, after rebuilded original

object on ring final.webp
Object on Ring

Creates a Position Plane based on a ring rail for further object placement


  1. Ring Size Diameter - Defines the ring diameter milimiters. Can be used by any Ring Sizer to input the measurements.

  2. Vertical Distance - Defines the distance from the ring size curve

  3. Self Rotation - Defines the rotation angle in degrees of the gem over it self

  4. Move Horizontal - Defines the distance perpendicular to the ring size curve

  5. Move Around - Defines the distance along the ring size curve


  1. Plane for Object - Plane 

  2. Ring Rail - Closed curve

Wedding Band
Object on Ring
Hollow Ring
Signet Ring
Eternity Band
Split Shank
Round Bypass
Bombe Ring


charm final.webp

Creates a Charm defined by shape and size


  1. Charm Selector - Choose the shape from the list 0 to 13, there is a charm selector input list available to connect here

  2. Custom Profile - Given curve for the charm shape, the Charm selector must be set to 13 in order to accept this input

  3. Thickness - Defines the Charm thickness

  4. Width - Defines the charm width

  5. Height - Defines the charm height

  6. Around Position - Defines the plane for the position around the charm for the bail placement

  7. Position Distance - Defines the distance to the charm for the bail

  8. Position - Input Plane for the position orientation


  1. Charm - Closed Polysurface 

  2. Charm Curve- Curve along the charm shape

  3. Center Position - Plane on the center top of the charm

  4. Around Position - Plane for the bail placement

bead final.webp

Creates a Bead defined by shape and sizes


  1. Height - Defines the bead height

  2. Width - Total width of the bead 

  3. Hole diameter - Defines the diameter of the bead central hole

  4. Torus width - Defines the distance between the hole and the bead total width

  5. Torus Thickness - Defines the thickness from the jump ring around the holes

  6. Round / Square - Creates a round bead with a 0 and a square bead with 1

  7. Isocurve Position - Defines the Isocurve output position along the bead, values to input from 0 to 1

  8. Position - Input Plane for the position orientation


  1. Bead Solid - Closed Polysurface 

  2. Bead Surface - Outside surface from the bead

  3. Torus - Jump rings on the top and bottom of the bead

  4. Isocurve - Closed curve around the Bead


Creates a Chain along a curve defined by input elements


  1. Curve - Input a curve for the to chain be created along it

  2. Chain Selector - Chain element selector, choose from the list from 0 to 6 

  3. Custom Chain - Optional input object for the chain creation, the chain selector must be set to 6 in order to work

  4. Thickness - Defines the thickness for the overall chain element, in case of custom chain selected use the original as 1mm

  5. Elements Distance - Defines the distance between elements on the chain, value positive or negative are allowed

  6. Angle Odd - Define the angle for the position of the odd elements on the chain

  7. Angle Even - Define the angle for the position of the even elements on the chain


  1. Chain - Closed Polisurfaces


Creates a Bail defined by various controls


  1. Top Profile Width - Defines the width of the bail 

  2. Top Profile Thickness - Defines the Thickness of the bail 

  3. Top Profile - Given Top Profile Curve

  4. Bottom Profile Width - Defines the bottom width of the bail 

  5. Bottom Profile Thickness - Defines the bottom Thickness of the bail 

  6. Bottom Profile - Given Bottom Profile Curve

  7. Inner Height - Defines the internal height of the bail

  8. Inner Width- Defines the internal width of the bail

  9. Jump Ring - Enables the Jump Ring

  10. Jump Ring Diameter - Defines the diameter of the jump ring

  11. Jump Ring Thickness - Defines the thickness of the jump ring

  12. Isocurve Position - Defines the Isocurve output position along the bail, values to input from 0 to 1

  13. Position - Given Plane position to place the bail


  1. Bail - Closed Polysurface 

  2. Jump Ring - Closed Polysurface 

  3. Isocurve - Closed curve along the Bail

bangle final.webp

Generates a Bangle or Cuff defined by various controls


  1. Width - Defines the inner width of the bangle 

  2. Height - Defines the inner height of the bangle 

  3. Start Profile Width - Defines the Start Profile Width

  4. Start Profile Height - Defines the Start Profile Height

  5. Mid Profile Width - Defines the Mid Profile Width

  6. Mid Profile Height - Defines the Mid Profile Height

  7. End Profile Width - Defines the End Profile Width

  8. End Profile Height - Defines the End Profile Height 

  9. Profile - Given Profile Profile

  10. Smooth Cap - Defines the Smooth Cap Height

  11. Bangle Type - Define the Bangle Type, Open Closed or Symmetrical, from 0 to 2

  12. Open Distance - Defines the opening distance on the bottom of the bangle

  13. Mirror - Creates a bottom Mirror in case Symmetrical type is selected

  14. Isocurve Position - Defines the Isocurve output position along the bangle, values to input from 0 to 1


  1. Bangle - Closed Polysurface

  2. Isocurve - Curve along the Bangle

  3. Bangle Cylinder - Cylinder with the Bangle inner size for reference

Post final.webp
Earring Post

Defines a Earring Post defined by controls


  1. Wire Diameter - Defines the post wire diameter

  2. Wire Height - Defines the total height of the post wire 

  3. Calotte diameter - Defines the diameter of the calotte

  4. Position - Input Plane for the position orientation


  1. Post - Closed Polysurface 

  2. Wire - Closed Polysurface 

  3. Calotte - Closed Polysurface 

hinge final.webp

Creates a Hinge articulation on a given object


  1. Object - Given object to apply the hinge articulation

  2. Orientation - Input Plane for the hinge orientation, is the frontal view of the articulation

  3. Hinge Position- Defines angle in degrees around the object for the hinge placement

  4. Opening Position - Defines angle in degrees for the opening part in case given object is a closed loop

  5. Wire Diameter - Defines the Diameter of the wire on the hinge articulation

  6. Number of Males - Defines the number of males on the hinge articulation

  7. Open Angle - Defines the opening angle for the articulation generated

  8. Swap - Swaps the sides of the articulation

  9. Object Isocurve - Optional input for the object isocurve to split along with the hinge


  1. Male Hinge - Closed Polysurface 

  2. Female Hinge - Closed Polysurface 

  3. Hinge Wire - Closed Polysurface 

  4. Male Isocurve - Open curve along the male object

  5. Female Isocurve - Open curve along the female object

filigree final.webp

Creates Filigree along a curve defined by input controls


  1. Filigree on Curve - Given curve to apply the filigree along

  2. Width - Total width of the bead 

  3. Thickness - Defines the Thickness of the bead

  4. Rotation Around Curve - Defines the rotation angle from the bead around the given curve 

  5. Inclination Angle - Defines the angle which the the bead orients along the given curve

  6. Start Point - Defines the Filigree start point along the curve, from 0 to 1

  7. End Point - Defines the Filigree end point along the curve, from 0 to 1


  1. Filigree - Closed Polysurfaces

rope final.webp

Creates a Rope along a curve defined by input controls


  1. Curve - Given curve to apply the rope along

  2. Turns - Defines the number of turns the rope goes around the given curve each 5mm

  3. Thickness - Defines the rope size

  4. Start Point - Defines the Rope start point along the curve, from 0 to 1

  5. End Point - Defines the Rope end point along the curve, from 0 to 1

  6. Veni - Enables the veni style rope

  7. Veni Inner Diameter - Defines the veni inner spacing


  1. Rope - Closed Polysurfaces

millgrain final.webp

Creates a Millgrain along a curve defined by input controls


  1. Curve - Given curve to apply the millgrain

  2. Bead Size - Defines the Spheres diameter

  3. Start Point - Defines the millgrain start point along the curve, from 0 to 1

  4. End Point - Defines the millgrain end point along the curve, from 0 to 1

  5. Space Between Beads - Defines the distance between beads, positive or negative values are allowed


  1. Millgrain - Closed Polysurfaces

snail final.webp

Creates a Snail defined by input controls


  1. Sphere  Diameter - Defines the central Sphere size

  2. Snail Thickness - Defines the wire thickness around the sphere

  3. Snail Inner Diameter - Defines the opening distance which the snail goes around

  4. Snail Turns - Defines the number of turns the snail goes around the sphere

  5. Move Up / Down - Defines the snail placement in relation to the orientation plane, positive or negative values allowed

  6. Double Snail - Mirror the original snail around the sphere

  7. Position - Input Plane for the position orientation


  1. Snail - Closed Polysurfaces

voronoi pattern final.webp
Auto Voronoi

Creates a Voronoi Pattern along a surface defined by controls


  1. Surface - Given Surface for the Pattern creation 

  2. Holes - Defines the number of holes on the pattern

  3. Random - Defines the seed number for the random positions of the holes

  4. Wall Thickness - Defines the thickness for the pattern walls

  5. Thickness - Defines the Thickness of the voronoi pattern

  6. Sharp / Smooth - Switch value 0 or 1 for the pattern generation


  1. Voronoi Pattern - Closed Polysurface

Wire Pattern final.webp
Wire Pattern

Creates a Wire Pattern along a surface defined by controls


  1. Object - Given Object for the Pattern creation 

  2. Surface Index - Defines the Surface from the given object for the Pattern creation 

  3. U Count - Defines the number of pattern copies in U direction

  4. V Count - Defines the number of pattern copies in V direction

  5. Thickness - Defines the thickness of the pattern

  6. Border - Enables the Border

  7. Border Thickness - Defines the Border thickness

  8. Positions Cutter - Optional cutter object input for removing the inner position generation

  9. Placement - Defines the placement oriented on the given surface


  1. Wire Pattern - Closed Polysurfaces 

  2. Positions - Planes

  3. Positions Number - Number of positions generated

random positions.jpg
Random Positions

Creates Random Positions along a surface for further objects placement


  1. Object - Given object for the positions generation

  2. Number - Defines the number of positions to genrate

  3. Random - Defines the seed number for the random positions generations

  4. Cutter - Optional cutter object input for removing the inner position generation

  5. Tolerance - Defines the minimum tolerance for closest positions 


  1. Positions - Planes 

  2. Number - Numeric output for the positions generated

Earring Post
Wire Pattern
Voronoi Pattern
Random Positions


bezel final.webp
Bezel Set

Creates a Bezel setting defined by controls based on a given gem 


  1. Gem - Given gem for the bezel reference

  2. Top Thickness - Defines the bezel thickness around the gem

  3. Bottom Thickness - Defines the thickness on the bottom part of the bezel

  4. Top Height - Defines the height of the top part of the bezel

  5. Depth - Defines the total depth of the bezel

  6. Tapper Distance - Defines the distance from the bottom to the top inclination

  7. Stone Seat Tapper - Defines the tapper distance under the gem

  8. Stone Seat Depth - Defines the depth distance under the gem

  9. Bottom Bulge - Defines the bezel bottom 

  10. Ring Size - Ring Size reference for bezel bottom adjustment

  11. Adapt to Ring - Enables the Bezel to adapt to the ring size


  1. Bezel - Closed Polysurface 

calotte final.webp
Calotte Set

Creates a Calotte setting based on a gem input


  1. Gem - Given gem for the Calotte

  2. Height - Defines the height above the girdle on the calotte

  3. Thickness - Defines the Thickness of the calotte

  4. Depth - Defines the total depth of the calotte

  5. Wire - Enables the inner Wire for Pearls

  6. Wire Height - Defines the Wire height

  7. Wire Diameter - Defines the Wire diameter


  1. Calotte - Closed Polysurface 

  2. Wire - Closed Polysureface

micro cluster final.webp
Micro Cluster

Creates a Micro Gem Cluster defined by input controls


  1. Gem SIze - Defines the diameter of the gems 

  2. Central Gem Height - Defines the height distance for the central gem position

  3. Prong SIze - Defines the diameter of the Prongs

  4. Depth - Defines the total depth of the cluster

  5. Prong Profile - Profile selector input, choose from 0 to 22. There is available the profile selector input for this parameter

  6. Outside Prongs - Switch input for the outside prongs generation, 0 or 1

  7. Position - Input Plane for the position orientation


  1. Gems - Closed Meshes

  2. Gem Curves - Closed Curves

  3. Micro Cluster- Closed Polisurfaces

under bezel final.webp
Under Bezel

Creates an under bezel based on a given gem


  1. Gem Curve - Given gem for the under bezel reference

  2. Horizontal Distance - Defines the offset distance to the gem

  3. Distance to Girdle - Defines the distance from the gem girdle to the bezel 

  4. Thickness - Defines the Thickness of the under bezel

  5. Depth - Defines the total depth for the under bezel

  6. Tapper Bottom - Tapper distance on the bottom part

  7. Sharp - Switch from Under Bezel to Gallery Rail


  1. Under Bezel - Closed Polysurface 

Bezel Set
Calotte Set
Micro Cluster
Under Bezel


gem cutter.webp
Gem Cutter

Creates a Cutter defined by controls based on given gems


  1. Gem - Given gem for the Cutter reference

  2. Stone Seat Depth - Defines the Depth on the pavillion of the gem

  3. Stone Seat Tapper - Defines the Tapper distance on the pavillion of the gem

  4. Depth - Defines the depth of the cutter

  5. Bottom Tapper - Defines the tapper on the bottom part of the cutter for the pilot hole reference

  6. Girdle - Defines the Girdle thickness on the cutter

  7. Crown Height - Defines the cutter height above the gem girdle

  8. Crown Tapper - Defines the tapper distance above the gem girdle

  9. Top Height - Defines the Crown Height

  10. Round Bottom - Enables the Rounded bottom

  11. Round Bottom Depth - Defines the Rounded bottom distance when enabled

  12. Custom Azure - Enables the Azure custom shape

  13. Azure Profile - Given Curve for the Azure shape

  14. Azure Rotation - Defines the rotation angle for the azure shape


  1. Cutter - Closed Polysurface 

micro cut.webp
Micro Cutters

Creates Micro Cutters along gems or in between gems


  1. Gems - Given Gems Row for the cutters reference

  2. Cutter Width - Defines the Width Distance between cutters

  3. Cutter Length - Defines the total Cutters Length distance to the gems

  4. Cutter Height - Defines the height of the cutter profile

  5. Cutter Profile - Given Profile Curve for the Micro Cutters

  6. Move Cutter Vertical - Defines the vertical distance for the cutters

  7. Tapper Center - Defines the tapper for the cutters

  8. Rotation Around Curve - Rotation angle in degrees for the cutters around the given curve along the gems

  9. Small Cutter Width - Defines the Width of the small cutter

  10. Small Cutter Height - Defines the height of the small cutter

  11. Small Cutter Vertical - Defines the small cutters vertical position

  12. Small Cutter Profile - Given Profile Curve for the Cutters Between Gems


  1. Cutters - Closed Polysurfaces 

  2. Micro Cutters - Closed Polysurfaces 

channel cut.webp
Channel Cutter

Creates a Channel cutter along a row of gems


  1. Gems - Given Gems Row for the channel reference

  2. Lateral Distance - Defines the channel lateral distance to the gems

  3. Height - Defines the channel profile height 

  4. Move Vertical - Defines the vertical distance for the cutter

  5. Move Horizontal - Defines the horizontal distance for the cutter

  6. Start Cap - Defines the Start Cap Size

  7. End Cap - Defines the End Cap Size

  8. Start Cap Type - Defines the Start Cap type, Flat, Rounded or Sharp

  9. End Cap Type - Defines the End Cap type, Flat, Rounded or Sharp

  10. Channel Profile - Given Profile Curve

  11. Invert Channel - Enables the inverted Channel Cutter Profile Shape


  1. Channel- Closed Polisurface

cross cutters.webp
Cross Cutters

Creates Scallop Cutters based on a given gem


  1. Gem - Given gem for the cutters reference

  2. Cutter Width - Defines the Width of the cutter profile

  3. Cutter Height - Defines the height of the cutter profile

  4. Cutter Length - Defines the cutter Length distance to the gem

  5. Cutter Profile - Profile Curve

  6. Cutters Number - Defines the number of cutters around the gem

  7. Tapper Center - Defines the tapper adjustment for the cutter on the center of the gem

  8. Tapper Height - Defines the tapper adjustment for the cutter on the outside height

  9. Move Up / Down - Defines the vertical position for the cutters

  10. Inclination Angle - Defines the cutter inclination from the center of the gem to the outside direction

  11. Rotation Around Gem - Defines the rotation angle in degrees for the cutters position around the gem


  1. Cross Cutters - Closed Polysurfaces 

bright cut.webp
Bright Cutter

Creates a Bright Cutter based on a gem input


  1. Gem  - Given gem for the bright cutter reference

  2. Gem Length Margin - Defines the distance for the cutter on the gem girdle 

  3. Gem Width Margin - Defines the distance for the cutter on the gem girdle 

  4. Bottom Distance - Defines the depth of the cutter under the gem girdle

  5. Top Height - Defines the height of the cutter above the gem girdle

  6. Self Rotation - Defines the rotation angle in degrees for the cutter position around the gem

  7. Flip Cutter - Enables the inverted cutter to the bottom of the gem

  8. Move Up/Down - Defines the vertical distance


  1. Bright Cutter - Closed Polysurface 

  2. Cutter Profile - Closed Curve

Gem Cutter
Micro Cutters
Channel Cutter
Cross Cutters
Bright Cutter
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